Men’s Breath and Ejaculation Mastery

Men’s Breath and Ejaculation Mastery

It’s reported that up to 75 percent of all men ejaculate within two to five minutes of beginning intercourse. A survey of 1,370 men conducted by revealed that less than 35 percent felt they had any control over when they ejaculate.

One of the keys to lasting a long time men is to stay relaxed in high states of arousal. This might sound contradictory but if you can completely relax just before you ‘re about to burst you’ll have one of the biggest keys to long-lasting sex.

Think of a scale of 1 to 10 when deciding how turned on you are. Say you’re at about 8 ½ and you don’t know if you can tell the difference between 8 ½ and 9 ½. At first you’ll need to stop the action. Later you won’t have to — you can continue knowing full well you are in complete control.

So stop, breathe deeply into your belly — this is important, and completely relax and enjoy the ride. You can even try moving the energy up from your genitals, through your torso, and into your heart area.

More on Ejaculation Mastery and all things Tantra can be viewed at:

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