Interior Designer Settles Their Argument… Here’s Who Won! | It Goes or I Go

EPISODE 1: The Great Curtain Controversy 🔥🧡🔥
In this explosive first episode of It Goes or I Go, my very own editor, Dorian, and his girlfriend, Kary, are facing a home décor dilemma that’s stirring up some serious tension. The issue? A pair of bold, bright orange-red curtains that Dorian adores… and Kary can’t stand.
Will these fiery drapes stay and dominate the room, or will Kary finally get the sleek, stylish upgrade she’s dreaming of? As their design referee, I step in to weigh the options, lay down the law, and (hopefully) keep their relationship from going up in flames.

🔥 Will Dorian’s curtains survive?🔥 Will Kary get her way?🔥 Or will I suggest something they both hate even more?!

Subscribe now and watch as I settle real-life interior design dilemmas—because in the world of shared spaces, something’s gotta give!
#InteriorDesign #HomeDrama #ItGoesOrIGo

✨The most incredible sheets Dorian was talking about in my guest bedroom:
The rest of the bedding will be featured in the final reveal of Dorian’s bedroom & bathroom . . . Coming VERY soon!!! 📣

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|| E Q U I P M E N T ||
+ Cameras: Nikon z6
+ Lens: Sigma 24-70mm 1:2.8
+ Lights: Fiilex p360
+ Microphone: Sennheiser AVX-MKE2
+ Tripod: Sachter Ace

Editor: Dorian Tucker
Videographer: Calebe Severo
Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound

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